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Weight loss clinics near me - weight loss clinics near me

01-02-2017 à 14:46:08
Weight loss clinics near me
Abstract Background Obesity is a chronic disease with serious health consequences, but weight loss is difficult to maintain through lifestyle intervention alone. All the authors were involved in the design or conduct of the study and the preparation of the manuscript, including the decision to submit it for publication, and all attest to the accuracy and completeness of data and the data analyses. The prespecified efficacy analyses used data from the full-analysis set, which included all patients who underwent randomization and received at least one dose of a study drug and had at least one assessment after baseline. The prediabetes definition includes patients with transient and confirmed type 2 diabetes. Details of the eligibility and exclusion criteria are provided in the Supplementary Appendix. Study Design and Treatments Randomization was performed with the use of a telephone or Web-based system provided by the sponsor. 9%) in the liraglutide group, as compared with 801 patients (64. To convert the values for glucose to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0. 0 mg once daily, and 1244 to lifestyle intervention plus placebo. Media in This Article QUICK TAKE VIDEO SUMMARY The SCALE Trial Figure 1 Liraglutide and Body Weight. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Results are presented only if an effect was shown. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. The full-analysis set comprised patients who underwent randomization, were exposed to at least one treatment dose, and had at least one assessment after baseline (69 patients were excluded from the full-analysis set: 61 owing to lack of an assessment and 8 owing to no exposure). Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. e. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Data shown are the observed means for the full-analysis set (with LOCF). If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Panel A shows the mean plasma glucose levels during a 75-g oral glucose-tolerance test (OGTT), according to prediabetes status at screening in the full-analysis set. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Panel C shows Kaplan-Meier estimates of the proportion of patients who received a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes during the course of the 56-week main trial period. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Secondary end points included changes from baseline in BMI, waist circumference, glycemic control variables, cardiometabolic biomarkers, and health-related quality of life. The safety-analysis set included all patients who were randomly assigned to a study group and had exposure to a study drug. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. The full-analysis set comprised patients who underwent randomization, were exposed to at least one treatment dose, and had at least one assessment after baseline (69 patients were excluded from the full-analysis set: 61 owing to lack of an assessment and 8 owing to no exposure). Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. 1 (95% CI, 2. 0 mg, injected subcutaneously. The power for the two categorical coprimary end points was calculated with the use of a two-sided chi-square test, also at a 5% significance level (see the Supplementary Appendix ). If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. e. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Panel A shows the mean body weight for patients in the full-analysis set who completed each scheduled visit, according to presence or absence of prediabetes at screening. The baseline characteristics were similar in the two groups ( Table 1 Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of the Patients. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. The numbers of patients at risk (i. The prediabetes definition includes patients with transient and confirmed type 2 diabetes. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. The timing of assessments is described in the Methods section in the Supplementary Appendix. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Figure 2 Liraglutide and Glucose Levels during Oral Glucose-Tolerance Test and Glycemic Status. Liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue, has been shown to have potential benefit for weight management at a once-daily dose of 3. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Categorical changes for dichotomous end points were analyzed with the use of logistic regression with the same fixed effects and covariates as the respective analysis of covariance. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. The sponsor, Novo Nordisk, planned and performed the statistical analyses, provided editorial and writing assistance, and provided the trial drugs. Type 2 diabetes developed in more patients in the placebo group than in the liraglutide group during the course of treatment. Measures of insulin resistance and beta-cell function also showed improvement with liraglutide as compared with placebo (Table S10 in the Supplementary Appendix ). The proportion of patients who modified their use of lipid-lowering or antihypertensive medications was also assessed. The model included treatment, country, sex, BMI stratification, status with respect to prediabetes at screening, and interaction between BMI strata and prediabetes status as fixed effects, with the baseline value of the relevant variable as a covariate. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. A total of 63 prespecified subgroup analyses were performed to investigate whether prediabetes status had any effect on the primary and secondary end points and whether baseline BMI (in four categories) had any effect on weight or glycated hemoglobin level (see the Methods in the Supplementary Appendix ). The three coprimary end points were analyzed in hierarchical order. 6 to 25. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Specific attention was given to types of adverse events that have an increased prevalence among obese persons or that were relevant to the drug class of liraglutide: of 17 types of adverse events, 9 were prospectively assessed by independent medical experts who were unaware of the study-group assignments (Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix ). Methods Study Overview We conducted the study from June 1, 2011, through March 18, 2013, at 191 sites in 27 countries in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Two nonfatal myocardial infarctions and one death from cardiovascular causes occurred in the liraglutide group, as compared with one nonfatal myocardial infarction, one nonfatal stroke, and one death from cardiovascular causes in the placebo group. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Results Trial Population A total of 3731 patients underwent randomization: 2487 to lifestyle intervention plus liraglutide, at a dose of 3. The incidence of serious adverse events was higher in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group ( Table 3 ). Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Findings from logistic-regression analysis showed an odds ratio for development of diabetes of 8. To convert the values for glucose to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. We report adverse events that occurred during the main 56-week trial period, with onset on or after the first day of treatment and no later than 14 days after the last day of treatment, unless otherwise stated.

Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. S7 in the Supplementary Appendix ) and vomiting occurred primarily within the first 4 to 8 weeks after initiation of liraglutide treatment. 3). If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Glycemic Control There was a greater reduction in glycated hemoglobin, fasting glucose, and fasting insulin levels in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group ( Table 2 ). 1 (95% CI, 2. Liraglutide was also associated with a lowering of plasma glucose levels ( Figure 2A Figure 2 Liraglutide and Glucose Levels during Oral Glucose-Tolerance Test and Glycemic Status. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Data shown are the observed means for the full-analysis set (with LOCF). If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. The prevalence of prediabetes was significantly lower in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group at week 56 ( Figure 2B ), a finding that was consistent with the improvement in glycemic control with liraglutide. The weight loss among patients with gallbladder-related adverse events was greater than the mean weight loss in the total population (Fig. 9 per 100 patient-years at risk and 2. All patients received standardized counseling on lifestyle modification approximately monthly (see the Supplementary Appendix ). If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Key exclusion criteria were type 1 or 2 diabetes, the use of medications that cause clinically significant weight gain or loss, previous bariatric surgery, a history of pancreatitis, a history of major depressive or other severe psychiatric disorders, and a family or personal history of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 or familial medullary thyroid carcinoma. 05551. Additional methods are described in the Supplementary Appendix. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Overall, approximately 92% of the patients in the liraglutide group and approximately 65% of the patients in the placebo group lost weight ( Figure 1C ). Panel A shows the mean plasma glucose levels during a 75-g oral glucose-tolerance test (OGTT), according to prediabetes status at screening in the full-analysis set. 6 to 25. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. The OGTT was performed at screening for the diagnosis of prediabetes and again after 56 weeks of assigned treatment (see the Methods section in the Supplementary Appendix ). The numbers along the graphs show the cumulative number of patients who received a diagnosis of diabetes over the course of 56 weeks. Panel A shows the mean body weight for patients in the full-analysis set who completed each scheduled visit, according to presence or absence of prediabetes at screening. 3). Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Statistical Analysis We estimated that with a sample size of 2400 patients assigned to receive liraglutide and 1200 assigned to receive placebo, the study would have more than 99% power to detect a between-group difference in the three coprimary efficacy end points of the main 56-week trial and in the primary end point of the 2-year extension. The effects of liraglutide on glycated hemoglobin, fasting glucose, and glucose levels during the oral glucose-tolerance test were greater in patients with prediabetes than in those without (P Supplementary Appendix ). Cardiometabolic Variables Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased more in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group by week 56 ( Table 2 ). The coprimary end points were the change in body weight and the proportions of patients losing at least 5% and more than 10% of their initial body weight. I bars indicate standard error, and the separate symbols above the curves represent the 56-week weight change using last-observation-carried-forward (LOCF) imputation. Panel B shows the proportions of patients who lost at least 5%, more than 10%, and more than 15% of their baseline body weight. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Panel B shows the proportions of patients who lost at least 5%, more than 10%, and more than 15% of their baseline body weight. Panel B shows the prediabetes status after 56 weeks in patients who had normoglycemia and in those who had prediabetes at screening. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Sensitivity analyses, performed to assess the robustness of the primary analyses, included repeated-measures and multiple-imputation analyses, which used a model-based approach for missing data (see the Supplementary Appendix ). Missing values were imputed with the use of the last-observation-carried-forward method for measurements made after baseline. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. A total of 1789 patients (71. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. , and Tables S3 and S4 in the Supplementary Appendix ). S5 in the Supplementary Appendix ) than was placebo. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Estimated mean changes in body weight and secondary end points are presented in Tables S6 and S8 in the Supplementary Appendix. All measures of fasting lipid levels ( Table 2 ), as well as levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and adiponectin (Table S8 in the Supplementary Appendix ), showed greater improvement in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group. I bars indicate standard error, and the separate symbols above the curves represent the 56-week weight change using last-observation-carried-forward (LOCF) imputation. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. 4 events per 100 patient-years at risk, respectively). Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Panel C shows Kaplan-Meier estimates of the proportion of patients who received a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes during the course of the 56-week main trial period. Additional data on vital signs are provided in the Safety Results section in the Supplementary Appendix. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. In Panel C, all patients in whom diabetes had developed had prediabetes at screening, except for one patient in the placebo group (indicated by a red circle), who had normoglycemia. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. An analysis of covariance model was used to analyze mean changes in continuous end points. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. 4%) in the placebo group, completed 56 weeks of treatment (Fig. The incidence of adjudicated and confirmed neoplasms was similar in the liraglutide group and the placebo group (1. Findings from logistic-regression analysis showed an odds ratio for development of diabetes of 8. 05551. Three patients died — 1 in the liraglutide group (with death due to cardiomegaly and hypertensive heart disease) and 2 in the placebo group (one death each from pulmonary fibrosis and cardiorespiratory arrest). If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Panel B shows the prediabetes status after 56 weeks in patients who had normoglycemia and in those who had prediabetes at screening. In Panels A and B, data shown are the observed means for the full-analysis set (with last-observation-carried-forward imputation). The liraglutide group also had a greater reduction than the placebo group in mean waist circumference and BMI ( Table 2 ). , remaining in the trial) are shown in the table beneath the x axis. The numbers along the graphs show the cumulative number of patients who received a diagnosis of diabetes over the course of 56 weeks. Several sensitivity analyses confirmed the superiority of liraglutide over placebo with respect to the coprimary end points (Table S6 in the Supplementary Appendix ). In Panel C, all patients in whom diabetes had developed had prediabetes at screening, except for one patient in the placebo group (indicated by a red circle), who had normoglycemia. , remaining in the trial) are shown in the table beneath the x axis. Liraglutide appeared to be less effective in patients with a mean BMI of 40 or higher than in patients with a lower BMI (Fig. In Panels A and B, data shown are the observed means for the full-analysis set (with last-observation-carried-forward imputation). The numbers of patients at risk (i. 11 Patients who withdrew early were asked to return at week 56 for measurement of their weight and recording of adverse events. The three prespecified coprimary end points, assessed at week 56, were weight change from baseline, the proportion of patients who lost at least 5% of their baseline body weight, and the proportion of patients who lost more than 10% of their baseline body weight. The OGTT was performed at screening for the diagnosis of prediabetes and again after 56 weeks of assigned treatment (see the Methods section in the Supplementary Appendix ).

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